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/ Dictionary for Children / Macmillan Dictionary for Children Version 1.0 (Simon and Schuster Interactive)(Version 1.0)(1994).ISO / Dictionary / BEG-O.IDX < prev    next >
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  1. -or                                  281  
  2. -ous                                 381  
  3. o, O                                   0  
  4. O.                                     1  
  5. oak                                    2  
  6. oar                                    4  
  7. oasis                                  6  
  8. oat                                    8  
  9. oath                                  10  
  10. oatmeal                               12  
  11. obedient                              14  
  12. obese                                 15  
  13. obey                                  16  
  14. obi                                   19  
  15. object                                20  
  16. objection                             25  
  17. objective                             27  
  18. obligate                              29  
  19. obligation                            31  
  20. oblige                                33  
  21. oblique angle                         35  
  22. oblong                                36  
  23. oboe                                  38  
  24. obscure                               40  
  25. observation                           43  
  26. observatory                           45  
  27. observe                               47  
  28. obsolete                              50  
  29. obstacle                              51  
  30. obstruct                              53  
  31. obstruction                           56  
  32. obtain                                58  
  33. obtuse angle                          60  
  34. obvious                               61  
  35. occasion                              63  
  36. occasional                            65  
  37. occupant                              67  
  38. occupation                            69  
  39. occupy                                71  
  40. occur                                 74  
  41. occurrence                            76  
  42. ocean                                 78  
  43. ocean floor                           80  
  44. oceanography                          81  
  45. ocelot                                83  
  46. Oct.                                  86  
  47. octagon                               87  
  48. octave                                88  
  49. October                               90  
  50. octopus                               92  
  51. odd                                   94  
  52. oddity                                97  
  53. odds                                  99  
  54. odor                                 101  
  55. odorless                             103  
  56. of                                   104  
  57. off                                  107  
  58. offend                               112  
  59. offense                              113  
  60. offensive                            116  
  61. offer                                119  
  62. office                               122  
  63. officer                              125  
  64. official                             128  
  65. offset                               132  
  66. offshoot                             134  
  67. offshore                             136  
  68. offspring                            138  
  69. often                                140  
  70. ogre                                 141  
  71. oh                                   143  
  72. Ohio                                 146  
  73. OHÅ                                  145  
  74. oil                                  149  
  75. oil paint                            152  
  76. oil well                             153  
  77. oily                                 154  
  78. ointment                             156  
  79. Okla.                                162  
  80. Oklahoma                             163  
  81. okra                                 166  
  82. OK≤                                  161  
  83. OKπ                                  158  
  84. old                                  167  
  85. Old English                          171  
  86. Old Testament                        174  
  87. Old World                            175  
  88. old-fashioned                        172  
  89. olden                                170  
  90. oleomargarine                        176  
  91. olive                                178  
  92. olive oil                            180  
  93. Olympic games                        181  
  94. omelet                               184  
  95. omen                                 186  
  96. ominous                              188  
  97. omit                                 190  
  98. omnivore                             191  
  99. on                                   193  
  100. once                                 200  
  101. oncoming                             204  
  102. one                                  205  
  103. one-sided                            210  
  104. one-way                              212  
  105. oneself                              209  
  106. onion                                213  
  107. only                                 215  
  108. onset                                218  
  109. Ont.                                 220  
  110. Ontario                              221  
  111. onto                                 222  
  112. onward                               225  
  113. ONÅ                                  199  
  114. ooze                                 227  
  115. opal                                 229  
  116. opaque                               231  
  117. open                                 233  
  118. opener                               240  
  119. opening                              242  
  120. opera                                245  
  121. operate                              247  
  122. operation                            249  
  123. operator                             252  
  124. operetta                             254  
  125. opinion                              256  
  126. opossum                              258  
  127. opponent                             260  
  128. opportunity                          262  
  129. oppose                               264  
  130. opposite                             266  
  131. opposition                           269  
  132. oppress                              271  
  133. optical                              273  
  134. optimistic                           275  
  135. optional                             277  
  136. or                                   278  
  137. oral                                 284  
  138. orange                               286  
  139. orangeade                            288  
  140. orangutan                            290  
  141. orbit                                292  
  142. orchard                              295  
  143. orchestra                            296  
  144. orchid                               299  
  145. ordain                               300  
  146. ordeal                               302  
  147. order                                304  
  148. orderly                              311  
  149. ordinal number                       314  
  150. ordinarily                           315  
  151. ordinary                             317  
  152. ore                                  319  
  153. Ore. or Oreg.                        321  
  154. Oregon                               322  
  155. organ                                325  
  156. organic                              328  
  157. organism                             330  
  158. organization                         331  
  159. organize                             334  
  160. Orient                               336  
  161. Oriental                             337  
  162. origin                               339  
  163. original                             341  
  164. originality                          344  
  165. originally                           346  
  166. originate                            347  
  167. oriole                               349  
  168. ornament                             351  
  169. ornate                               353  
  170. orphan                               354  
  171. orphanage                            356  
  172. orthodontist                         357  
  173. orthodox                             358  
  174. ORÅ                                  283  
  175. ostrich                              360  
  176. other                                362  
  177. otherwise                            366  
  178. otter                                369  
  179. ouch                                 371  
  180. ought                                372  
  181. ounce                                374  
  182. our                                  376  
  183. ours                                 378  
  184. ourselves                            379  
  185. oust                                 382  
  186. out                                  384  
  187. out-                                 388  
  188. out-of-date                          433  
  189. outboard motor                       390  
  190. outbreak                             391  
  191. outburst                             392  
  192. outcome                              394  
  193. outcry                               395  
  194. outdated                             397  
  195. outdid                               398  
  196. outdo                                399  
  197. outdone                              400  
  198. outdoor                              401  
  199. outdoors                             403  
  200. outer                                405  
  201. outer space                          406  
  202. outfield                             407  
  203. outfit                               408  
  204. outgoing                             411  
  205. outgrew                              413  
  206. outgrow                              414  
  207. outgrown                             416  
  208. outing                               417  
  209. outlaw                               419  
  210. outlet                               421  
  211. outline                              424  
  212. outlook                              427  
  213. outlying                             429  
  214. outnumber                            431  
  215. outpost                              435  
  216. output                               436  
  217. outrage                              438  
  218. outrageous                           441  
  219. outran                               442  
  220. outrigger                            444  
  221. outright                             446  
  222. outrun                               448  
  223. outside                              450  
  224. outskirts                            454  
  225. outsmart                             456  
  226. outspoken                            458  
  227. outstanding                          460  
  228. outward                              462  
  229. outwards                             464  
  230. outwit                               465  
  231. oval                                 467  
  232. ovary                                469  
  233. oven                                 471  
  234. over                                 473  
  235. over-                                478  
  236. overalls                             480  
  237. overboard                            482  
  238. overcame                             483  
  239. overcast                             485  
  240. overcoat                             487  
  241. overcome                             488  
  242. overdid                              491  
  243. overdo                               493  
  244. overdone                             495  
  245. overdose                             497  
  246. overdress                            499  
  247. overdue                              501  
  248. overeat                              503  
  249. overflow                             505  
  250. overflown                            508  
  251. overgrew                             510  
  252. overgrow                             512  
  253. overgrown                            514  
  254. overhand                             516  
  255. overhaul                             518  
  256. overhead                             521  
  257. overhear                             524  
  258. overheard                            526  
  259. overjoy                              528  
  260. overlap                              530  
  261. overload                             532  
  262. overlook                             534  
  263. overnight                            536  
  264. overpass                             539  
  265. overpower                            540  
  266. overran                              542  
  267. overrule                             544  
  268. overrun                              546  
  269. overseas                             548  
  270. overshoe                             551  
  271. oversight                            553  
  272. overtake                             555  
  273. overtaken                            557  
  274. overthrew                            559  
  275. overthrow                            560  
  276. overthrown                           563  
  277. overtime                             564  
  278. overtook                             567  
  279. overture                             569  
  280. overweight                           571  
  281. overwhelm                            573  
  282. overwork                             575  
  283. owe                                  577  
  284. owl                                  579  
  285. own                                  581  
  286. owner                                585  
  287. ox                                   587  
  288. oxcart                               589  
  289. oxen                                 590  
  290. oxford                               591  
  291. oxide                                592  
  292. oxidize                              593  
  293. oxygen                               594  
  294. oyster                               596  
  295. oz.                                  598  
  296. ozone                                599  
  297. oíclock                               85  